簡介 X18+ | ADDICT NO.01 BABE

The returning of “Babe” is the ultimate power of all time. He came back with his sexier body to spur the maximum volume of the heat in this summer. Let’s him spoil you with his six-pack, let’s him entertain you with his full doughty sinews in the concept of boyish macho, don’t waste any single seconds so sit back and relax with our Babe in this extraordinary issue.

頁數:237 (雙刊)

  • 普通用戶: 10M豆
  • 高級會員: 免费
  • 黑金會員: 免费

版本說明: 簡介 X18+表示非/半全見版,簡介 X20表示全見版,簡介 X20+表示全見噴版